Renewable energy Association:
Research, creation and conservation
of natural resources: Environment protection
of nature, agriculture - climate, water and energy.
This purpose will be achieved by experimentation,
education, the development of new systems and the
implementation of applications at various sites in
Europe, Africa, Brazil, China-India, Space exploration.
This includes multimedia video events, various other
supports, popular art and science film production.
Action programs mean training, education, public
events, proposing recyclo system solutions,
socio-economic change skills, social logistics.
Agropark Space proposes Ethic conduct rules
and protection of planet system earth, moon, mars.
Sponsoring and funding of various integrated projects
include all authorized international donations
supporting the R&D services offered.
NGO: Association Agropark Climat agropark06@yahoo.fr
enregistré 2003, registered N° SIREN: 452 181 522
Europe... 5 years education PetraHouse solar for children
Make a donation, faire un don AGROPARK CLIMAT
VISA , PayPal, make a donation: 50 Euros - 500 Euros - 1000 Euro
start with 10 E or switch to US$
Join 2050 people...CLIMATE SPONSORs:
"Action C02 - Suncontrol"
"Lighting Africa"
"solar mini factory"
"2050 Sun Village"