GOOGLE "REC" Initiative
The Mountain View-based 
company initially hopes to 
harvest cleaner-burning 
electricity to meet its own 
needs and sell power
to other users or license 
the technology that emerges 
from its initiative, dubbed 
"Renewable Energy Cheaper 
Than Coal,"or "REC."
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20 juin 2007 
Google Powers Up 1.6 MW Solar System & Hybrid Initiative to fund more than $10 M 
to accelerate plug-in hybrid and 
vehicle-to-grid technology. 
by Meghan Murphy, Contributing Writer 
Mountain View, California

 fly over 

"Clean energy technology can dramatically 
shift how we make and use energy for our
cars and homes by charging cars through
an electric grid powered by solar or other
renewable energy sources, and selling 
power back to the electric grid when it's
needed most. This approach can 
quadruple the fuel efficiency of cars 
on the road today and improve grid stability."

-- Dr. Larry Brilliant, head of

 Update NOV 27 2007_____________________________
Google Inc. is expanding into alternative energy

in its most ambitious effort yet to ease the 
environmental strain caused by the company's 
voracious appetite for power to run its massive 
computing centers.

As part of a project announced Tuesday, the Internet
search leader and its philanthropic arm will pour 
hundreds of millions of dollars into a quest to lower
the cost of producing electricity from renewable energy
sources such as wind and the sun.

If Google realizes its goal, the cost of solar power 
should fall by 25 to 50 percent, 
co-founder Larry Page said in an interview.
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